We were looking for a friend for Bonnie – any Norwegian Forest Cat. I am not sure how did I get Agnar web pages in Poland. They breed NFO. The section about kittens was there and we started to find our next cat there.We knew that we want a cat with white paws. We saw some photos of kittens from Gatta*PL breeding, they had several identical and so beautiful kittens for taking off. Elias was our decision. Why Elias? Because of her white top of a tail. Ready to go!
The advance-payment was sent via Western Union and the great thing was that Elias has been booked for us immidiatelly after our arriving home from town. What a great pleasure in our house when we knew that Elias would live with us!
I travelled to Havíøov´s cat show to buy her there, 1.5.2006, where Ewa has showed all her cats. However, Bonnie firstly made it up so badly with the fact that any other cat occupied her roost and ate from her bowels, till the end of the first week she stopped with a sulk and started to be a friend with Elias.
Elais completelly came up to all our expectations of a show-cat. She loves it and do her exhibitions with a pleasure. She reached Grandinter Champion item.
Elias is right now a mother of three litters, where each of the kittens get an award of The Best Kitten of the Show. And two of her litters recieved an award of The Best Litter of the Show. Her kittens could be found in breedings in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany or in The Netherlands.