
My story.....

It was Summer of  2007 and I was again surfing the web. It seemed to me as if I am almost not able to unstick from the screen and key-board.  FIFe /The Global Organization concerning cats/ celebrates two famous days : The World Winner / it means the competition of a World Chamipion, which is fixed in October and  The Scandinavien Winner, which is fixed in the Summer. At that time the winner was a little white cat from Zygot´s breeding station. So, what a surprise, I surfed their webpages to gues that they have some free kittens. Yakidka was free as well and her eyes had an unbelievable blue colour. I fell in love with her blue eyes.  My decision was really prompt – coming over some small type´s mistakes – the decision for buying Yakidka! Though, how to explain it to my husband? I was obliged to use a small untruht. I said that I had paied a non-reversible advanced payment which we would miss in a case of cancellation. OK. He agreed, again. That was the moment when I sent the whole payment to Annike including the delivery fees.

Yakidka flew towards us with an interlanding in Kodaň(Copenhagen) and we were waiting for her in 21.7.2007 in Prague´s Airport – Ruzyň.  I really couldn´t wait to see her. One hour after landing some people gave us in „cargo space“ a  container with so small and scared kitten.

On the arrival she got a privilege of unlimited using of our bedroom. By the way, the first thing she has done was that she has hidden behind the wardrobe and we weren´t able to get her out. I had to vacate both wardrobes to move with them and draw Yakida out. „Oh damn, she would always be hidden behind of our furniture!“ My husband sighed.

Finally, Yakida has grown into a very sensible cat depending on people. She is so fondling and she really loves my husband. Nothing strange about that, both celebrate their birthday at the same day.

I am looking forwad to beautiful kittens, ´cos of we have found the right tom-cat for Yakida even it is in 2010. I believe this will work.